Saturday, December 23, 2006
Goodbye Dragons Pickaxe
I am still looking to buy iron ores and coal... please comment on this blog for more info.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
RuneScape Christmas Update
Make sure you take 60 GP and head to Port Sarim. Pay the fair to one of the guys in blue.

Head west (you can follow the road to the dock you need to go to)

After talking to Shanty Claws, Head south till you start seeing a white area in your mini-map.

You should see some white clumps... Click these and you start gathering snowballs. I'd get at least 50. I started out with 40 or so and ran out (I kept missing the Gublinch).

Climb down the entrance (you should see the area to climb down near where you got the snowballs in your mini map. It's the exclamation icon.

Make sure you equip the snowballs before you try to start pelting the Gublinch.

Pick up 10 of the Gubinch Shards.

This one was an action shot.

This was just because.

Here are the children you are trying to save.

Take the shards and put them in the cages. 1 shard per cage.

Here's one in a cage.

Congratulations! You have the Reindeer Hat!

And here's how to do the dance...

And you're dancing!

If you want the tree, you have to be a member... :-(
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Autominers, Autofighters, and Just Plain Macroing in RuneScape
Any one using an autominer will be banned, when a person is suspected of autoing in any form and someone reports them they are automatically sent to the auto detection unit, there is no human input from this it is a program that will monitor your character and gather evidence, when enough evidence is gathered it will ban you, the evidence from this is conclusive and no appeal is possible.
The adu does not look for autoers it will only respond to reports from players, however all player mods are aware of the adu and will report anyone acting suspiciously all wanabe mods will also report anyone beating them to the rock or tree or whatever.
You may also lose your account as many auto programs have keyloggers.
I completely disagree. I do not believe there is an ADU (Auto Detection Unit). I think RuneScape monitors in a totally different way. Not even mods are allowed to report someone that is a suspected macroer. Mods may only report someone that has been admittedly macroing or autoing. While it is true that you may lose your account to a keylogger or trojan, you most likely will not get banned. Remeber that throw away account? I can still log on to it.