Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Autominers, Autofighters, and Just Plain Macroing in RuneScape

Talking about bots and maros in general, Anonymous said...

Any one using an autominer will be banned, when a person is suspected of autoing in any form and someone reports them they are automatically sent to the auto detection unit, there is no human input from this it is a program that will monitor your character and gather evidence, when enough evidence is gathered it will ban you, the evidence from this is conclusive and no appeal is possible.

The adu does not look for autoers it will only respond to reports from players, however all player mods are aware of the adu and will report anyone acting suspiciously all wanabe mods will also report anyone beating them to the rock or tree or whatever.

You may also lose your account as many auto programs have keyloggers.

I completely disagree. I do not believe there is an ADU (Auto Detection Unit). I think RuneScape monitors in a totally different way. Not even mods are allowed to report someone that is a suspected macroer. Mods may only report someone that has been admittedly macroing or autoing. While it is true that you may lose your account to a keylogger or trojan, you most likely will not get banned. Remeber that throw away account? I can still log on to it.


Anonymous said...

I dont think they have that detection unit either, i am a lvl 3 in rs and i do not macro at all. I was perm banned and muted for "macroing" when im constantly talking and doing stuff. I got my mod friend who knows i dont macro to send in complaint and i appeled too. I got unbanned and un muted.

Anonymous said...

Their detection program is junk! Every single one of my skiller accounts got banned for macro when I have never ever macroed in my life. They just assume a lvl 3 with lvl 70 mining must have cheated. And I am always talking, too. I am like the chattiest person in runescape.

Anonymous said...

I'm a formal macroer. I macro on a daily basis. Jagex waits longer and longer until they have evidence that you've macroed. Such as failing at certain random events, same loop timing, same timing for this, same timing for that. For the most not speaking. I think if you use a good script you won't be banned as easy, as my p-mod account hasn't been caught for months. I use rsbot.