Since my earliest days of playing RuneScape I've found one common thread that people enjoy about the game: the social aspect. Now, I've never considered joining a clan because I have a few good good friends that play... But since I've joined twitter (Follow me at @RSFanAddict (forgive the tiny plug please)), I've come across some very interesting people. One person in particular goes by the handle @Chaotic_Ownage who's becoming a RS celebrity in his own right.
The more I meet the people from his clan, the more I like it. I've had yet to visit their clan, but on twitter, their shared jokes, pokes at each other, and general playfulness come out strongly. @Chaotic_Ownage seems to be the natural leader that holds this group especially tight... Don't get me wrong, it seems they'd be tight no matter what, and everyone is completely awesome in their own right, but @Chaotic_Ownage seems to really bind this group of people together...
That said, the clan's information is below:
Clan Name: Snackaholics
Clan Leader RSN: RealChaotic
Chat - Yes
Social Activities - Yes
Citidel - No
PVM - Yes
PvP -
QFC: 290-291-424-64254467
I've been fortunate enough to get an interview with @Chaotic:
Me: What do you prefer being called? Chaotic?
Chaotic: There's just one chaotic out there ;D I don't mind being called by my gamer screen name, neither do I mind being called by my real name, YY.
Me: Who are the founders of the clan?
Chaotic: I founded this clan along with my two very good friends, Saffeh and Gareth.
Me: How long has your clan been in existence?
Chaotic: I believe this clan was started in October, so we've been around for half a year now.
Me: How old is your newest clan member?
Chaotic: Just a day old ;D Beavertales was invited yesterday to join the clan.
Me: How do you choose events? Is there a schedule?
Chaotic: As much as we love RS, we all have our busy lives, college, jobs, school etc, and so we don't have a schedule that we run by, and it also explains why we don't maintain a citadel as well. However, sometimes we all agree on a certain day where we would like to run an event, lets say corporeal beast or DG, and as many of us try to make it as possible. Normally it's a weekend where we all have some spare time.
Me: What does your clan focus on mostly?
Chaotic: Being a small clan, I think what we focus on his building up relationships with each other. Many of us met each other on twitter, and not on RS itself, so how we've grown is more through friendship as opposed to time spent in the clan. As such, we focus on having a good time, whilst enjoying each other's presence where and when.
Me: How many members do you have?
Chaotic: At the moment we have about 16 members.
Me: Do you have any sister clans?
Chaotic: No we do not. We have many friends in other clans, but we tend not to get involved with any clan rivalries or clan alliances.
Me: Name some instances when you've helped one another out.
Chaotic: When either of us have an issue, we support each other emotionally and are always there for each other, to give advice and to talk if needed. There hasn't been any major incidents, but where the emotional side of people are concerned, we try our best to be pillars of support for each other, through both the good times and bad. As for myself, many of these dear friends have held me strong through all the times of stress!
Me: What do you like most about your clan that sets you apart?
Chaotic: Personally, what I like most is the close knittedness we have, and the bond we share. I think every member is willing to go to great lengths for each other, both in game and in our personal lives too. We don't have the fuss of dealing with things people do not enjoy, for example, the citadel, which is a cause for anguish as many do not have the time to do so, and can't afford to give up free time where they could be having fun in order to do it. Thus, I would say, what differentiates us from other clans is that very special bond every single one of us holds.
Me: Thank you Chaotic for the interview! We here at RuneScapeFanAddict wish the very best for you and your awesome clan!
Chaotic: A very big thank you from me to you, for this amazing opportunity to interact with such a fantastic person, and to be featured on the blog, as it is a real honor!
Both a thanks from me and on behalf of my clan ;D
Monday, March 18, 2013
Friday, March 01, 2013
Oldschool RuneScape aka 07scape
First of all I'd like to congratulate the RS Community on bringing the 07 servers back. This post is just a little (possibly balanced) view on the differences between the two servers: Evolution of Combat (EoC) and Oldschool (07Scape).
We'll look into the controls and gameplay, the benefits and draw backs, the future of each, and the current problems with each
First and foremost if you're used to EoC, you'll notice the 07Scape server is missing a few great improvements since the game began:
clan chat, guest chat, and that ilk are missing
clan extras are gone
Fixed screen only, no full screen
you don't have the quick buttons on the top of the mini map
I don't use the pre-chosen prayers as much as I'd like, especially since EoC, but for those who use it religiously, and know how to use prayer efficiently, they'll miss that greatly
The energy/run... I really really really miss that especially starting over... now it's a huge deal with 1 agility
Summoning - RuneScape made this button the best... it's so efficient... I love it
There are a ton of other things missing in the 07Scape server that I had seen in the RS Forums, but can't find them atm. I'm sure you can see that RuneScape has made a ton of improvements, the more you play 07Scape, then return to EoC, the more you'll realize.
Starting over in RuneScape... I just couldn't do it.
I know a lot of you out there quit RS because of the huge changes and the huge fails along the way, and RuneScape has made quite a few, I'll agree. I'm glad this new/old server appeals to you, and I know some of you are just visiting and loving the nostalgia, but for a lot of you, it's just nostalgia. For everyone's sake, I hope this doesn't go the way of RS Classic (RSC).
(Side note RSC is the original RuneScape with 2d graphics, extremely clunky controls, goofy looking graphics and very very very few but dedicated people in the worlds currently today... sound similar? See where I'm going with this? Thought so.)
Some people believe the game was ruined with EoC, but I beg to differ. It's been a combination of things. People expected the old things to be the same prices, the game play to stay the same, everything to be exactly the way it was with bigger, better, badder bosses... With the invent of newer bosses came the need for greater equipment, prayers, potions, and items that helped. RuneScape floundered along the way. I overheard a discussion in RuneScape this week about it not being EoC that started ruining everything, but it started with God Wars Dungeon (GWD). I'm not so sure. While some people crave things, others crave different things. This game has always had a mix of older players and young players... each thing appealed to different people. Imo, I think it might have started with instant gratification... People wanting 99's faster and RS gave in to this.
RS gave in to instant gratification...
yes, it's true...
Granted, this is a game about grinding... but moreso it's a game about pride. Sure, some show it by their 99's, or Hi scores, or their clan. But doing it, getting there, if it's instant, it doesn't bring value at all... thus came the fall... it might had been the 2xp weekends, or GWD, or EoC, or any number of things combined...
Because of 07Scape, people have been panic selling... prices in EoC servers have been dropping bad. People are speculating that this will stay this way because of people hating EoC so much, but it's not EoC. EoC is the culmination of all the changes... People now have a name behind the changes they can dub as evil and can therefore point their hate at that direction.
The future of 07Scape... there is no future for it. No more quests, no more updates, no more anything... it is what it is... granted, this might change, but I doubt it... there'll be a small team for it, but that's it. People went back to it for a reason...
The future of EoC is limitless... RS is working on fixing some things they knew they broke... food, armour, skills, also, RS is coming out with more skills... I'm sure this'll be a different post, but the maxers won't like this...
The long and short of it is, 07Scape is limited, EoC is still new, unexplored, and exciting... EoC will be fixed or JaGex will slowly go downhill... Prices will rise again, gameplay will be better than ever... I've heard so many things about the new things coming from EoC players and even the true blue 07Scapers... loving the new quest that's to be coming out soon (I'm one of the ones geeking out about this btw)
That's my 2 cents...
We'll look into the controls and gameplay, the benefits and draw backs, the future of each, and the current problems with each
First and foremost if you're used to EoC, you'll notice the 07Scape server is missing a few great improvements since the game began:
clan chat, guest chat, and that ilk are missing
clan extras are gone
Fixed screen only, no full screen
you don't have the quick buttons on the top of the mini map
- compass
- hp
- prayer
- energy/run
- summon
I don't use the pre-chosen prayers as much as I'd like, especially since EoC, but for those who use it religiously, and know how to use prayer efficiently, they'll miss that greatly
The energy/run... I really really really miss that especially starting over... now it's a huge deal with 1 agility
Summoning - RuneScape made this button the best... it's so efficient... I love it
There are a ton of other things missing in the 07Scape server that I had seen in the RS Forums, but can't find them atm. I'm sure you can see that RuneScape has made a ton of improvements, the more you play 07Scape, then return to EoC, the more you'll realize.
Starting over in RuneScape... I just couldn't do it.
I know a lot of you out there quit RS because of the huge changes and the huge fails along the way, and RuneScape has made quite a few, I'll agree. I'm glad this new/old server appeals to you, and I know some of you are just visiting and loving the nostalgia, but for a lot of you, it's just nostalgia. For everyone's sake, I hope this doesn't go the way of RS Classic (RSC).
(Side note RSC is the original RuneScape with 2d graphics, extremely clunky controls, goofy looking graphics and very very very few but dedicated people in the worlds currently today... sound similar? See where I'm going with this? Thought so.)
Some people believe the game was ruined with EoC, but I beg to differ. It's been a combination of things. People expected the old things to be the same prices, the game play to stay the same, everything to be exactly the way it was with bigger, better, badder bosses... With the invent of newer bosses came the need for greater equipment, prayers, potions, and items that helped. RuneScape floundered along the way. I overheard a discussion in RuneScape this week about it not being EoC that started ruining everything, but it started with God Wars Dungeon (GWD). I'm not so sure. While some people crave things, others crave different things. This game has always had a mix of older players and young players... each thing appealed to different people. Imo, I think it might have started with instant gratification... People wanting 99's faster and RS gave in to this.
RS gave in to instant gratification...
yes, it's true...
Granted, this is a game about grinding... but moreso it's a game about pride. Sure, some show it by their 99's, or Hi scores, or their clan. But doing it, getting there, if it's instant, it doesn't bring value at all... thus came the fall... it might had been the 2xp weekends, or GWD, or EoC, or any number of things combined...
Because of 07Scape, people have been panic selling... prices in EoC servers have been dropping bad. People are speculating that this will stay this way because of people hating EoC so much, but it's not EoC. EoC is the culmination of all the changes... People now have a name behind the changes they can dub as evil and can therefore point their hate at that direction.
The future of 07Scape... there is no future for it. No more quests, no more updates, no more anything... it is what it is... granted, this might change, but I doubt it... there'll be a small team for it, but that's it. People went back to it for a reason...
The future of EoC is limitless... RS is working on fixing some things they knew they broke... food, armour, skills, also, RS is coming out with more skills... I'm sure this'll be a different post, but the maxers won't like this...
The long and short of it is, 07Scape is limited, EoC is still new, unexplored, and exciting... EoC will be fixed or JaGex will slowly go downhill... Prices will rise again, gameplay will be better than ever... I've heard so many things about the new things coming from EoC players and even the true blue 07Scapers... loving the new quest that's to be coming out soon (I'm one of the ones geeking out about this btw)
That's my 2 cents...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
RuneScape's Dominion Tower
Wow, since the Desert tasks have come out I've been spending most of my time in the Dominion tower... It's been a great ride. I'm up to 350 kills. Some of "Achievements" in the Dominion tower are (the one's I've done are crossed out):
Just a few notes about some of the bosses, currently the Dagganoth mother 2 is glitched. She'll change colors and when you go to the corrosponding attack, it won't work. You'll have to mix it up to figure out what is what. Not even fair, but hope RuneScape fixes this. Also, Zeneviva, for me, was a huge pain to kill... took a bunch of food for me to knock her out... but all you need to do is remember to kick her when she's on the pedestal. She'll tell you you're rude, and then you can go about your business of smacking her around. Damis, Fareed, Kamil and Dessous... they were a pain until I started moving in a way where they line up... I make sure Fareed is somewhere in the middle or even the back of the line and I mage him, then I re-equip melee. In this group make sure you don't do an attack where you attack all, otherwise you'll get swarmed pretty quick. Karamel and Gelatinnoth I start attacking Karamel and when Gelatinnoth (wow, that's a mouthful) turns brown, I attack (melee) that gel creature, when it goes back to another color, go back to Karamel. Dagannoth sentinels... just go right between them and it's a little easier since they can't heal. Pest Queen... you don't need Korasi's sword to kill her... but when you do fight her, make sure you have a super high powered weapon, and when she rears back to charge her super attack, use the backhand ability. Sometimes this won't work, but most of the time it will.
My gear: (The following are equipped)Bandos plate, tassets, and boots, the Dominion medallion, Neitz helm, Vine Abyssal whip, DFS shield, Warrior ring, (the following are in my inventory) Overload potion, SOL, fire, water, air, and earth runes, Dragon pickaxe, Dragon mace, and an inventory of scorpion meat with two slots open for the stake and hammer or the Balmung. If I can get away with it, I won't eat unless I get some serious bosses like the Pest Queen, Avatar, or, of course, Nomad... otherwise, everything resets... health and prayer. Also, I don't pot unless I have a serious boss.
The specials... wow, they're hell... man they're terrible. Sunfreet, I thought was the most difficult... but actually, if you can figure out the pattern of the flames, and you mage it with a shield, you're super set to go. I have Indigestion and Nomad No More to finish and I'm set for the specials. I think I can beat the Nomad No More with only 3 dominion swords, 1 Super prayer flask, 1 Overload potion, and pray... not even Saradomin brews. Of course, I'm going to go in with more than that... I'm chicken hehe. I'm really excited about the Dreadnips too. I've seen some videos and they're really helpful dealing non type damage, not melee, not mage, and not range... just good old pre-EOC damage.
Man I can't wait to finish the Desert achievement tasks...
Oh, and the disclaimer about the Dominion Tower weapons... they degrade super quick. I used him for Nomad and with one sword took out most of his Life points... he was down to berserker mode and my one and only Dominion sword disintegrated... how sad... but I learned what I needed to know.
If you have any questions about this, or anything else, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Happy Scaping!
Reach floor 5 in climber mode- Additional taunt
Reach floor 10 in climber mode- Another additional taunt
Reach floor 15 in climber mode- Help horn (this is worth having since, when used, drops 5 scorpion meat)
Reach floor 15 in endurance mode- Yet another additional taunt
Reach floor 20 in endurance mode- better Dominion medallion, larger bonus and more teles per day
Reach floor 25 in endurance mode- Dominion crossbow (Dom weapons are amazingly powerful, this only unlocks the chance of getting one)
Suffer each and every type of handicap- Dominion Sword (unlocks the chance of getting one... SO WORTH IT *read notes below though)
Find half of the journal pages- Diminutive bomb - Apparently these are based on Dominion factor, the higher you get, the better chance you have at getting one of these pages (sometimes multiple pages at a time)
Find all of the journal pages- Massive Bomb power up
Dominion Factor of 10,000 and all the journal pages- Colossal Bomb - Chances are, you'll get this and the massive bomb power up at the same time... by the time you get this you may well have over 2m Dominion Factor
Use the Help horn and all 3 types of bomb power-ups in the arena- Okay, so you can't do the special and get this done right away, which would had been super convenient... you have unlock the bombs first, then get them in the chest, then use them
Kill 100 bosses - Dominion marker at stage 1 - Any creature you fight in the Dominion tower is a boss... This is great for slayer tasks... you get a boost... here's a link for the details... it's pretty slick.
Kill 200 bosses- Dominion marker at stage 2 - an upgraded version of the marker
Kill 300 bosses- Dominion marker at stage 3 - yet another upgraded version
Kill 400 bosses and fight all Special matches- Dominion mines - when you unlock these, you can buy them outright 10k for 10 mines... worth it? Up to you... If you can afford it, I'm sure they're worth it
Kill 450 bosses and spectate a match- Dreadnip - Well worth it
Kill 500 bosses- Ascendancy mines (not sure what this is about yet)
Kill all bosses in set 1 and 500 bosses- Goliath gloves
Kill all bosses in set 2 and 500 bosses- Spellcaster gloves
Kill all bosses in set 3 and 500 bosses- Swift gloves
Complete all other achievements- Dominion marker at stage 4 and ability to visit the top of the tower
Just a few notes about some of the bosses, currently the Dagganoth mother 2 is glitched. She'll change colors and when you go to the corrosponding attack, it won't work. You'll have to mix it up to figure out what is what. Not even fair, but hope RuneScape fixes this. Also, Zeneviva, for me, was a huge pain to kill... took a bunch of food for me to knock her out... but all you need to do is remember to kick her when she's on the pedestal. She'll tell you you're rude, and then you can go about your business of smacking her around. Damis, Fareed, Kamil and Dessous... they were a pain until I started moving in a way where they line up... I make sure Fareed is somewhere in the middle or even the back of the line and I mage him, then I re-equip melee. In this group make sure you don't do an attack where you attack all, otherwise you'll get swarmed pretty quick. Karamel and Gelatinnoth I start attacking Karamel and when Gelatinnoth (wow, that's a mouthful) turns brown, I attack (melee) that gel creature, when it goes back to another color, go back to Karamel. Dagannoth sentinels... just go right between them and it's a little easier since they can't heal. Pest Queen... you don't need Korasi's sword to kill her... but when you do fight her, make sure you have a super high powered weapon, and when she rears back to charge her super attack, use the backhand ability. Sometimes this won't work, but most of the time it will.
My gear: (The following are equipped)Bandos plate, tassets, and boots, the Dominion medallion, Neitz helm, Vine Abyssal whip, DFS shield, Warrior ring, (the following are in my inventory) Overload potion, SOL, fire, water, air, and earth runes, Dragon pickaxe, Dragon mace, and an inventory of scorpion meat with two slots open for the stake and hammer or the Balmung. If I can get away with it, I won't eat unless I get some serious bosses like the Pest Queen, Avatar, or, of course, Nomad... otherwise, everything resets... health and prayer. Also, I don't pot unless I have a serious boss.
The specials... wow, they're hell... man they're terrible. Sunfreet, I thought was the most difficult... but actually, if you can figure out the pattern of the flames, and you mage it with a shield, you're super set to go. I have Indigestion and Nomad No More to finish and I'm set for the specials. I think I can beat the Nomad No More with only 3 dominion swords, 1 Super prayer flask, 1 Overload potion, and pray... not even Saradomin brews. Of course, I'm going to go in with more than that... I'm chicken hehe. I'm really excited about the Dreadnips too. I've seen some videos and they're really helpful dealing non type damage, not melee, not mage, and not range... just good old pre-EOC damage.
Man I can't wait to finish the Desert achievement tasks...
Oh, and the disclaimer about the Dominion Tower weapons... they degrade super quick. I used him for Nomad and with one sword took out most of his Life points... he was down to berserker mode and my one and only Dominion sword disintegrated... how sad... but I learned what I needed to know.
If you have any questions about this, or anything else, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Happy Scaping!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Desert Achievements in RuneScape!
I've done most of the Achievements for the Desert area excluding the Dominion Tower tasks... A few things I'm was stuck on, and had seen others stuck on are 1. Kookookachat - Talk to Khoochak about a quest (easy), 2. Ug Thankee Kindly - Make an Ugthanki kebab from raw ingredients in Nardah (hard), 3. Say it, Don't Spray It - Hear one of Ali the camel's poem's using a fully featured cramulet (hard), 4. A, B, Chitara - Play the Holy Cithara while standing in the Citharede Abbey (elite), 5 Staff of Stryke - Kill a Desert strykewyrm wearing a fully charged slayer helmet and wielding an ancient staff (elite), and finally 6. Ankle Support - Wear the ankh and Scabaras mask while in the desert (elite).
Here's some things I found in order to finish that may be of help to you:
1. Kookookachat - I couldn't find Khoochak at all. I finally found him inside the Al Kharid palace in the main room.
2. Ug Thankee Kindly - **NOTE - MAKE SURE YOU USE THE ONION ON THE BOWL FIRST AND NOT THE TOMATO** Okay, that being said you need the following materials: onion, tomato, bowl, knife (if you don't have one on your toolbelt), ugthanki meat (raw), pot of flower, jug or bucket of water. Take all materials to Nardah (if you have the medium necklace you can teleport there easy by right clicking on it and teleport). Use the onion on the bowl, then right click the tomato and use that on the bowl, then cook the ugthanki meat on the clay oven in Nardah, right click the ugthanki meat and use it on the bowl, use the water on the flour and make pitta dough, use the dough on the clay oven, use the pitta bread on the bowl and voila! You're done!
3. Say it, Don't Spray it - Some people were having a hard time getting this task done. First off, you need a FULL Cramulet - Ghostspeak ammy, Camulet, Monkeyspeak ammy, and the Catspeak ammy all combined into that Cramulet. The first time you speak to Ali the Camel (He's right next to the bank) insult him... after you stop him from reciting his poem, talk to him again and listen to one of his poems (I chose the second poem, I'm sure it'll work with the first poem too)
4. A, B, Chitara - THIS... WAS... A PAIN!!! In order to get the Cithara, you'll need to NOT be on curses, you'll need to me in the NORMAL mage book, you'll need the cramulet if you haven't gotten the Mortayna legs 3 or higher. In addition, you'll need 6 or more Saradomin equipment. I used the Citharede top, bottom, hood, symbol, as well as the Illuminated book, and a Saradomin Arrow. I'm not too sure if the arrow works, but the Wiki says it does.
5. Staff of Stryke - This one wasn't too bad... for the longest time I could never figure out how to charge the slayer helm. It's super easy, you can take a combat type summon scroll like "Howl", Dreadfowl Strike", etc. Once you have this in the full slayer helmet (this includes the Focus sight and Hexcrest), take an Ancient staff (either yours or borrowed) and investigate mound over at the Desert Strykewyrms. Their weakness is stab, so be prepared for a long haul when fighting with Ancient staff. I've been trying to figure out if the Ancient staff has a stab bonus, but all I see is magic...
6. Ankle Support - This wasn't hard to do, it was just a pain to remember... and find... You'll need to go to two separate places in order to get the ankh and the Scabaras mask. The Ankh is at the Monkey Colony pictured below. You'll see on the cliff a crack or crevace on the side of the cliff. You may need to rotate your camera in order to see it
And the Scarabas mask is accessible through the Kalphite Nursery shown below:
I'm currently working on my very last two. Both are Dominion Tower tasks. I have to beat Sunfreet (the best way to beat him is mage btw... I'm SOOOO CLOSE!), and then have to get all the other achievements... if you're stuck on anything post a comment below, I'll be more than happy to help out!
Here's some things I found in order to finish that may be of help to you:
1. Kookookachat - I couldn't find Khoochak at all. I finally found him inside the Al Kharid palace in the main room.
2. Ug Thankee Kindly - **NOTE - MAKE SURE YOU USE THE ONION ON THE BOWL FIRST AND NOT THE TOMATO** Okay, that being said you need the following materials: onion, tomato, bowl, knife (if you don't have one on your toolbelt), ugthanki meat (raw), pot of flower, jug or bucket of water. Take all materials to Nardah (if you have the medium necklace you can teleport there easy by right clicking on it and teleport). Use the onion on the bowl, then right click the tomato and use that on the bowl, then cook the ugthanki meat on the clay oven in Nardah, right click the ugthanki meat and use it on the bowl, use the water on the flour and make pitta dough, use the dough on the clay oven, use the pitta bread on the bowl and voila! You're done!
3. Say it, Don't Spray it - Some people were having a hard time getting this task done. First off, you need a FULL Cramulet - Ghostspeak ammy, Camulet, Monkeyspeak ammy, and the Catspeak ammy all combined into that Cramulet. The first time you speak to Ali the Camel (He's right next to the bank) insult him... after you stop him from reciting his poem, talk to him again and listen to one of his poems (I chose the second poem, I'm sure it'll work with the first poem too)
4. A, B, Chitara - THIS... WAS... A PAIN!!! In order to get the Cithara, you'll need to NOT be on curses, you'll need to me in the NORMAL mage book, you'll need the cramulet if you haven't gotten the Mortayna legs 3 or higher. In addition, you'll need 6 or more Saradomin equipment. I used the Citharede top, bottom, hood, symbol, as well as the Illuminated book, and a Saradomin Arrow. I'm not too sure if the arrow works, but the Wiki says it does.
5. Staff of Stryke - This one wasn't too bad... for the longest time I could never figure out how to charge the slayer helm. It's super easy, you can take a combat type summon scroll like "Howl", Dreadfowl Strike", etc. Once you have this in the full slayer helmet (this includes the Focus sight and Hexcrest), take an Ancient staff (either yours or borrowed) and investigate mound over at the Desert Strykewyrms. Their weakness is stab, so be prepared for a long haul when fighting with Ancient staff. I've been trying to figure out if the Ancient staff has a stab bonus, but all I see is magic...
6. Ankle Support - This wasn't hard to do, it was just a pain to remember... and find... You'll need to go to two separate places in order to get the ankh and the Scabaras mask. The Ankh is at the Monkey Colony pictured below. You'll see on the cliff a crack or crevace on the side of the cliff. You may need to rotate your camera in order to see it
And the Scarabas mask is accessible through the Kalphite Nursery shown below:
I'm currently working on my very last two. Both are Dominion Tower tasks. I have to beat Sunfreet (the best way to beat him is mage btw... I'm SOOOO CLOSE!), and then have to get all the other achievements... if you're stuck on anything post a comment below, I'll be more than happy to help out!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Player Owned Port Spreadsheet for RuneScape
I've created a spreadsheet for Player Owned Ports. Here's how it works. you can click the square within a square to make it full-sized and edit it from there. In column I you can enter a lowercased x to show what you've upgraded. Down closer to the end of the sheet, you can enter your resources on hand. This will show what materials you've used, and what you have left. I hope this helps! If you have any questions, or need help, feel free to ask!
Monday, January 14, 2013
All Things RuneScape
If you have any ideas you'd like to see on the blog, or any information here, I'll be more than happy to write a post about it, make a video about it, and even upload pictures. Just post a comment below!
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
RuneScape's God Statues
Okay, here are the pics of the God Statues as promised. If you need help with this, you can comment below. I'll be more than happy to help! To get a better view, click on the pictures and they'll enlarge.
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Just the right height! |
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Workin, workin, workin day and night! |
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The majestic Commander Zilyana |
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Why hello there Juna |
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The fearsome K'ril Tsutsaroth! |
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Canifis location |
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Yannille location |
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Lumbridge location |
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Taverly location |
RuneScapes Player Owned Ports - Update
So... I've been following my own advice which has gone well. I've also been trying to level up according to materials, working on things that require bamboo or lower, slate or lower. I'm finding it's not as easy as I once thought.
I've upgraded most things to slate and lower. Next up is cherrywood. I've also created a calculator for ports/ships to show what's been done as far as ports/ships, how much material has been used, and what's needed for further levels.
As far as buildings in the port, my current levels are:
Renovated Bar (the more upgraded the bar, the better quality crew)
Upgraded Office (the more upgraded the office, the more ships and voyages)
Upgraded Workshop (workshops give the ability to create the new armors, Tetsu, Death Lotus, and Sea Singer)
Renovated Lodgings (lodgings attract better quality crew)
Renovated Shipwright (shipwrights give bonuses on ships)
Refurbished Warehouse (warehouses give better return on resources)
No totem hotspots (hotspots will do many different things, you can scroll down to see the different effects)
Icon Hotspot (Icon hotspot will attract different adventurers if you have the level for them)
Nautical Portal (this gives no bonus, but it sure is pretty, only upgrade if you either have the extra resources for it or really really really want your portal to look pretty. No one else will see it unless you record it for youtube)
I'll post the ship upgrade later today. While I was writing this out, I got two in and sent them right back out again. Silly me.
One more thing that might help you is a website called This is especially helpful if you're doing something that has a lot of text, for example, fighting dragons, or fletching, or woodcutting, it's also great if you're in and out of the game just working on your Player Owned Ports.
I also did the God Statues too, I have some pics, I'll upload them soon. No guide this time, it's pretty self explanatory.
I've upgraded most things to slate and lower. Next up is cherrywood. I've also created a calculator for ports/ships to show what's been done as far as ports/ships, how much material has been used, and what's needed for further levels.
As far as buildings in the port, my current levels are:
Renovated Bar (the more upgraded the bar, the better quality crew)
Upgraded Office (the more upgraded the office, the more ships and voyages)
Upgraded Workshop (workshops give the ability to create the new armors, Tetsu, Death Lotus, and Sea Singer)
Renovated Lodgings (lodgings attract better quality crew)
Renovated Shipwright (shipwrights give bonuses on ships)
Refurbished Warehouse (warehouses give better return on resources)
No totem hotspots (hotspots will do many different things, you can scroll down to see the different effects)
Icon Hotspot (Icon hotspot will attract different adventurers if you have the level for them)
Nautical Portal (this gives no bonus, but it sure is pretty, only upgrade if you either have the extra resources for it or really really really want your portal to look pretty. No one else will see it unless you record it for youtube)
I'll post the ship upgrade later today. While I was writing this out, I got two in and sent them right back out again. Silly me.
One more thing that might help you is a website called This is especially helpful if you're doing something that has a lot of text, for example, fighting dragons, or fletching, or woodcutting, it's also great if you're in and out of the game just working on your Player Owned Ports.
I also did the God Statues too, I have some pics, I'll upload them soon. No guide this time, it's pretty self explanatory.
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
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