Saturday, December 23, 2006
Goodbye Dragons Pickaxe
I am still looking to buy iron ores and coal... please comment on this blog for more info.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
RuneScape Christmas Update
Make sure you take 60 GP and head to Port Sarim. Pay the fair to one of the guys in blue.

Head west (you can follow the road to the dock you need to go to)

After talking to Shanty Claws, Head south till you start seeing a white area in your mini-map.

You should see some white clumps... Click these and you start gathering snowballs. I'd get at least 50. I started out with 40 or so and ran out (I kept missing the Gublinch).

Climb down the entrance (you should see the area to climb down near where you got the snowballs in your mini map. It's the exclamation icon.

Make sure you equip the snowballs before you try to start pelting the Gublinch.

Pick up 10 of the Gubinch Shards.

This one was an action shot.

This was just because.

Here are the children you are trying to save.

Take the shards and put them in the cages. 1 shard per cage.

Here's one in a cage.

Congratulations! You have the Reindeer Hat!

And here's how to do the dance...

And you're dancing!

If you want the tree, you have to be a member... :-(
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Autominers, Autofighters, and Just Plain Macroing in RuneScape
Any one using an autominer will be banned, when a person is suspected of autoing in any form and someone reports them they are automatically sent to the auto detection unit, there is no human input from this it is a program that will monitor your character and gather evidence, when enough evidence is gathered it will ban you, the evidence from this is conclusive and no appeal is possible.
The adu does not look for autoers it will only respond to reports from players, however all player mods are aware of the adu and will report anyone acting suspiciously all wanabe mods will also report anyone beating them to the rock or tree or whatever.
You may also lose your account as many auto programs have keyloggers.
I completely disagree. I do not believe there is an ADU (Auto Detection Unit). I think RuneScape monitors in a totally different way. Not even mods are allowed to report someone that is a suspected macroer. Mods may only report someone that has been admittedly macroing or autoing. While it is true that you may lose your account to a keylogger or trojan, you most likely will not get banned. Remeber that throw away account? I can still log on to it.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Buying RuneScape Gold
But I digress. Those two have never been caught. They have both been active as well. RuneScape acts as though if you buy the gold, you WILL be banned. That's not necessarily so. I think that if RuneScape wanted to stop people buying and selling gold in real life, they'd ban the macroers as well as those whom they sell to. Those things are everywhere. I'm not kidding... I'm sure you've seen them. Cutting Yews, fishing lobbies and swordies, in the mining guild and crafting guild. It's irritating to see them knowing RuneScape might ban some of you (a very small amount of you) and let these autoers go free...
Hm... I wonder what those people do with their accounts once their done with them...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Extremely Fast Mage Leveling Guide
-First thing you should do is quests for your mage level that are easy until you can curse (Level 17-19 mage?)
-Buy an earth staff, and a TON of water runes and any others necessary. Do not buy earth runes as they are extremely expensive when used 3x per spell.
-Wear your best armor possible, rune is best, and go into the Stronghold of Security in Barbarian Village. Stay on the first floor where the enemies are weak and harmless.
-Equip your armor, staff and start cursing every goblin and minotaur in sight! Wearing this bulky rune armor means you miss alot but still gain the 29xp per cast allowing you to curse the same enemy lots of times!
-This should get you hundreds (if not thousands) of exp per minutes depending on how much of a frenzy you are in. Good luck, and get those cheap mage spells we all hate in the wildy.
Leveling Prayer
So why, Derek, would I go bury bones in the wilderness and lose my rune plate?
Well, there are a few rules to follow when burying these bones.
1. Only bring 1 item, 3 if you are very carefull not to skull yourself by pking.
2. There are 3 big bones (bbones) respawns on the west side that make a very fast and efficient triangle you can run through over and over. This creates an infinite number of big bones as by the time you have collected one big bone, the others have respawned.
These are the rules, adjust them as you see fit! I have been pked here by a few annoying 'Scapers, so be warned! However I also leveled my prayer from 31 to 43 in 2 days at this spot, and the skeletons aren't aggresive for more than 5-10 minutes.
Have fun, and get those protects! They don't make you a noob, and actually I've found that the people accusing me of being a "pray noob" are the same ones that I pk easiest!
First Post: Derek
I started playing Runescape wayy before the year 2000 and before it was known as "Classic", probably near the same time Mewoko started. I was an on-and-off Scaper, and over the years I gathered a few party hats before I realized they would be off any value.
I lost all the phats I ever earned by forgetting my passwords and letting my accounts go inactive. Yes I know it's a huge waste and now I wish that I had been more dedicated.
My most recent account was created late August, and his combat is currently 77 and I'm training attack for my Abyssal Whip, much more on that later as well as the eternal whip vs. dharok's axe question. And no, I don't powerlevel I've earned all my stats.
As I always worry about being banned, my character is a mainly pk build (player killer) so many of my non-combat stats are not ranked. Look me up on the highscores sometime if you like, name Darzalune.
Hope to see you all online soon! PM me if ya have any questions!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
(Mewoko) First post
I have my own blog, but it's for a different game. Feel free to look at it if you'd like. And I'll answer any questions you have about it...about Runescape too, of course.
I first started playing Runescape in 1998, before sounds, before the ability to make different types of attacks, back when there was only one type of pickaxe, and we were fine with that. If you told someone that RS might open up a P2P section, you'd get a laugh, because Runescape was always known as being pretty much the only good MMORPG that people didnt have to pay for.
Anyways, I played as an addict for a while... *cough*Tom*cough* but since then, I've been off and on. I cant tell you how weird it was to switch from the original Runescape (which people now call "RS Classic"... *sigh*) to the 3D version of Runescape.
I remember trying to pick up the environment sprites over and over again...I still do if I'm not paying attention, even though I'm fully aware they cant be picked up and dont make a red dot on the minimap.
So yeah, that's me.
Back when I played, a lot of people chose to separate between those in the champion's guild, and those who weren't. And practically no one believed in being an all-around character. Kudos to Tom for being one. So I was the abnormal one, the one who insisted on leveling up cooking when everyone else was fighting in the wilderness...
Anything that's happened to you on the game, it's happened to me at one point.
I was been lured into a couple of scams as a newbie.
I've been killed in level 2 of the wilderness, the one time i decide to bring a few hundred of different runes, a few nature and a few law, and some nice armor, in case i decided to fight. But I never dreamed I'd die in level 2.
Note that this was before the restriction that makes a character be of a certain strength or defense to wear great armor or wield the better weapons.
So I've been through it all, and anything you have to ask, you can ask me.
I'm just introducing myself to the blog.
Ciao for now.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Quick Leveling In RuneScape
Here's how I do it: I go to Karamja and fish lobbies and then go into the volcano and fight lessers. Working attack is key to leveling up... the better your attack, the more often you hit.
So there you have it... more later on the lessers area in the volcano...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
RuneScape Glitch! Mini Tele
Have you ever seen someone do a tiny teleport?
No... not from Fally to Fally or Varrock to Varrock... nothing like that... I doesn't even involve using Law Runes... "How does it work?" you may ask. Here's the secret... it involves the build mode...
That's all I'm saying for now...
Happy 'Scaping!
PS... I'm still looking for writers! I don't care if you just started or have been around since RS Classic. Members and Non-Members alike are welcome! Old and young! Personally I'd like all perspectives!
How Old are RuneScape Players?
The real question is... How old are people that play RuneScape?
Here's a link to a website that shows the average age of players
(and some other stuff):
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Runescape FanAddict Writer Wanted
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Auto Talker
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
RuneScape Chat Features

Friday, July 21, 2006
RuneScape F2P Interview
Monday, July 17, 2006
Current stats and some thoughts on hiscores

So I noticed the others were posting their current stats and figured I might as well post mine too. Such a follower, huh? Anyway, I just took this screenshot this morning so it is very current.
Looking at our stats and the hiscores I think it is really funny sometimes how that all works. Take the hiscores for instance, except for some notable disruptions, for most of the time I have been playing (about 4 months) Zezima has held the top spot in the hiscores. Now I read the interview with him on one of the sites and he sounds like a really nice guy who works hard for that achievement, so I mean no disrespect when I say what I am about to say. But out of curiousity one day I looked at more than just the overall hiscores, to look at the hiscores for each skill (you can do this by clicking on skill name in the hiscore menu). Anyway, interestingly enough Zezima is not first on any of the individual skills! I thought that was really strange at first how you could be first overall but not first in anything specific. As I thought about it more though it began to make a little more sense (and I think someone commented about this on one of the previous posts). You can train a really high combat level (or any other skill) or even have a "pure" character which would get you closer to the top spot in THAT skill, but to be first overall you really have to train everything. So you may not be "the best" on any particular skill but because you train them all, you end up with the overall hiscore spot. Way to go Zezima! Its much harder than it might sound, believe me!
Tom and I talked about this once and the fact that nonmembers can only ever attain a certain level. So a nonmember would never have the number 1 spot, it is just not possible. For example, right now on overall hiscores I outrank Tom, but look at our stats..... He owns me on practically everything! Now notice the areas that he has 1's in? Those are all the member skills, ones that he can't train but I can. That is how I outrank him overall. Interesting huh? I'm not sure if I have worked out exactly how I feel about all of that, but I do know that it makes me think a little bit more about levels and "status" in runescape!
Next time, I promise I will talk more about being a member. This actually leads very well into that whole area, because some of the most overwhelming things when you first become a member is all the new skills to train and quests to do. Some of the quests require some of the new skills.... and remember what its like in the beginning and you seem to level all the time? Its kind of exciting and it keeps you working for more. Then after awhile it seems like forever between levels... New skills come in handy then, keeps boredom from setting in. And there is always a new quest to do for members. Runescape releases new quests and even mini-games every month so there is always something new to do! Then there was the recently released new skill of construction.... but that is definitely its own post! Hope I have left you wanting a little more and until next time happy scaping!
First post and current stats
Overall 684
Attack 51
Defence 45
Strength 59
Hitpoints 56
Prayer 36
Magic 21
Cooking 62
Woodcutting 60
Fishing 57
Firemaking 61
Crafting 46
Smithing 50
Mining 57
Runecraft 23
I look forward to adding more posts in the future, enjoy.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Full Zombie Revisited
The Minotaurs drop bronze and iron arrows , tin and copper ores, rune essence, gold, uncuts, and the occasional bronze item.
The Flesh Crawlers drop just gold and sometimes uncuts.
The Catablepon drop 15 rune essence, coins, and misc runes.
The Ankou drop addy arrows, mith ores, rune essence, law runes, and gold.
The reason I mention full zombie is because while fighting the Minotaurs... I was burying bones. I got Leo the Gravedigger three times! I also heard of others complaining about Leo and that particular random... All I needed was 1 random and I got full Zombie... the 2 after that, I got the zombie dance and the zombie walk emotes! Yeah me!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
RuneScpae Update Today (Some Good Stuff!)
But i've got screenshots of the new Underground Maze in the Barbarian Village...
This is the entrance of the Stronhold (click on the pictures to make them bigger):

The great thing about this dungeon is the fact that when you leave through a door... you are sucked through the door stopping monsters following you in the door.

Here is a picture of one of the new monsters featured in level 1 of the Stronghold Dungeon: Minotaur (this monster will drop the right half of the skull of the new sceptre)

Here is one of the questions that you have to answer (correctly) in order to get the prize at the end of the maze

This is the second floor of the dungeon. One of the new creature resides on this level: Flesh Crawlers (these monsters drop the lower half of the sceptre)

This is the third floor down, as well as another question...

This is a catablepon (another new creature that drops the top half of the sceptre), as well as another question...

This is a picture of one of the chests:

Here is the 4th level and one of the lovely portals... as well as one of the newest high level monsters that you have to fight in order to get the last piece of the sceptre... the left half of the skull that goes on the sceptre
At the end of it all you get to walk away with over 10k in gold, 4 brand new emotes, and your choice of either multi colored boots or what RuneScape calls "mean" looking boots... But you don't get the rewards unless you answer the questions... and answer them correctly...
Edit: The new Sceptre has teleporting abilitys (right to the Barbarian Village)... It has something like 5 or 6 charges (which means that after the 5th or 6th time you teleport to Barbarian Village... The sceptre won't teleport you anymore). I'm not sure if you can charge it although you can destroy the thing. Divination will let you know how many charges you have left. It may refresh over a certain amount of time, and it may need to be destroyed and you have to get a new one (this last one is the one i'm going with)Happy exploring!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hello once again RuneScape Fans!
Speaking of which... I bought a Black Square Shield (h5) (see my previous post...) and all was good with the world, birds were singing, children were playing, and angels were blowing thier trumpets...
Untill the evil one raised from the ground telling me "leave this place mortal"
I knew I had 'em... I knew I could take 'em... I was so sure... I gambled this:
Full Rune (Full Helm, Rune Plate, Rune Plate Legs, Rune Longsword), Ruby Ring, Amulet of Strength, Gold Gloves, 4k gold, a bunch of runes (including laws, chaos, etc)... and my Black (h5)... I also had about 3 or 4 lobbies so I was confident that i'd be able to get 'em.
I've killed many a shade in my time and have never been killed by a shade... Untill finally... I died. With all of that on... I left with about 8 hp... I left and then came back... the shade was still there, waiting for me... I ran away again... and it killed me...
Bummer eh?
I did get to keep my Full Rune. I had the kite in the bank... My good friend had an extra longsword and helped me out... As for the Black Square (h5) Kite Shield... it's gone...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
A female perspective.....finally!
So let me tell you a little bit about myself (or rather my rs character). Obviously, I am a girl and I am a member. I've been playing rs since about March and I really enjoy it. There are times when I like it more than others, but I think we all feel that way. Sometimes you have really good days in rs and others are not so good. Recently, I had a very good day. I finally finished dragon slayer! Isn't it funny how sometimes you dread something and when you finally do it, it turns out not to be so bad? That is how it was with dragon slayer, I finally went to do it and I loaded my inventory with lobbies..... Guess what? I only used maybe a third of them! And I probably ate more than I needed to. Oh well. I think from now on I won't wait so long to do things I'm worried about. It was great to achieve one of my goals: All non-member quests completed! I also raised my combat from 53 to 56 in the course of doing the quest. Not so bad at all!
There are a ton of things that I want to share with you all, but I am going to try not to put too much in this first post. I gotta leave you wanting more, right?! I think right now I will share a little bit with you about how it is to be a REAL girl in rs. I say real because you may not know this but many of the "female" characters on rs are actually boys pretending to be girls! Kind of crazy, huh? Apparently they do this to try and get free stuff from you guys! So beware :) What does that mean for those of us who are really girls? I'm not sure to tell you the truth. But I do think it is different for girls in rs. For one thing, I can't tell you how many times a day someone asks me to be their gf (girlfriend, if you were wondering)! I get followed around and basically harassed A LOT! Now that I am in the hiscores, I find I get a lot more random messages from other players. Some of them are asking me to be there gf- now these people may never have even seen my character! That brings up the main thing about this whole gf/bf thing in rs. Do people honestly think that I AM my character? Our characters are a reflection of ourselves, sure. Maybe they have some things that we wish we had or they do things we'd never do in real life. But the point is that we are NOT our characters!
Maybe this whole gf/bf thing is just a way for people to make a connection in the game. Perhaps that connection is stronger than ones with other people on your friends list, maybe not.... But I always wonder about those people you see in the banks or other populated areas who say "need bf/gf" or "looking for bf/gf" over and over and over again. Somehow it just seems so... desperate. Maybe they are just lonely? There is no doubting that rs is a great way to meet people from all walks of life. I've meet people from all over the world who I know I would never meet in real life. And I like to think I have met some great friends, truly wonderful people- Tom being one of the best (BTW, Tom one of us is going to have to tell the crazy story behind how we met!).
So now, I have met all of you and that seems like a good place to end this post. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you and perhaps getting to know you better too. Maybe next time I will talk about houses, being a member, or who knows?! Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you want to hear! Until then, happy scaping!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Runescape Updates
I love the joys of a good deal... and even better... I love selling something for better than what I got it for... ah... the joys of merchanting...
Okay... I'm standing in the bank and hear someone calling out "Selling rune scimmy", so I ask how much for the rune scimmy. He tells me 17k. I'm thinking: SWEET!!! Good deal right? This is the great part... Someone walks in saying "Buying rune scimmy"; so I go over to him and trade... he offers 27k!!! SOOOOOOOOO NICE!!! That was one of my finer moments while merchanting... This of course doesn't make up for my not so great moments (but we all do that merchanting right?)
Around that same time I saw some guy trying to trade a Black Kite Shield(h5) to

I've reached one of my goals (I don't think I wrote it down... But I've been working on it):
Level 40 Range
I've also reached my Million GP mark too!
I'm in the crafting guild so I can check that off...
And I'm still in the top million players!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
BTW... have you noticed the influx of macroers or autofishers while fishing lobsters? DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! More on that later...
'Till then!
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Fally Massacre in Runescape 6-6-06 World 111
In the video you can see player mod monk1313 telling everyone to bank thier stuff...
Here is the video... It takes a little while to load, so press play, pause it, and let it load. Then press play again.
Here is an interview with Durial321 one of the key pkers in the "Fally Massacre"
Hehe... I'm don't want to disclose my name at this time... having people pm me out of the blue asking for money or other items...
Well... I figured that I'd work on Ranging to get my lowest stats up a lot higher... I'm up to about level 24 or so... not too bad for starting yesterday morning.
I've been using a short bow (up to level 5) using rapid fire (then going up to oak bow) with bronze arrows. My max damage has been about 3's so far... :-(
I've bought Iron, Steel, and Mith arrows too... we'll see what becomes of that.
I've been getting irritated at people taking the arrows that I drop... I know that these are just bronze arrows... It just gets a little expensive having to buy arrows. It's also hard to get as many arrows as I need to continue leveling up...
Okay... that's the end of that rant... what's my rank? Well... I'm below 997,000 but above 998,000
Not too shabby... the thing that makes me upset is... I checked it this morning and was a little higher ranking. Every second that goes by that I'm not playing I drop in rank a little bit... Let's hope I'm up there by the end of today...
Oh well... I won't be on too much next week... I'm going to Boston for a business trip. All of this will have gone to pot anyways...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
So close!
Make 1 Million GP (close)
Get into the Crafting Guild (close)
Be able to smith and mine Addy
Be able to smith and mine Rune
Buy or obtain at least one rare
Get my name up in the top 1,000,000 (I know that this may seem kinda cheesy... but there are at least 3 million active accounts...)(Sooooooooooooo close I can taste it!)
Max all of the sats that I can
What are your goals (accomplished or not)/asperations? Go ahead and leave a comment and I'll post it!
Jmembership8: Congratulations!
Me: Yeah?
Jmembership8: You have won a 5 year membership for runescape!
Me: Oh yeah? Lemme guess... i have to give you my password and location...
Jmembership8: Not your location.
Me: Ah... I see... and you're not trying to scam me?
Jmembership8: No. I'm giving out free memberships. I am an ex staff member of jagex.
Me: Nah... I don't think so
Jmembership8: Look, you're just wasting my time. I'm trying to give out memberships and you are just wasting my time.
Me: Okay... If you're an ex staff member of jagex, what are the jagex mod names?
Me: Tell me that names of the jagex mod names now
Me: Tell me or i'll report you
Me: 3
Me: 2
Me: 1
Me: Okay... you have been reported
The only reason I was impressed was because the person could spell. Most of the time when people are trying to scam me they don't spell correctly...
Now understand one thing... this guy saw me wearing full rune. Probably fishing swordies and lobbies... nah... I don't care who you are... you ain't getting my password. Not even you grandma... Sorry grandma, I still love you though.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Runescape Realitor?
Another announcement... We will be soon having another person posting on this blog to give a more feminine and member's type of view... I cant wait!!!
Perhaps on what it's like having a house? ;-)
What's your fighting style?
Pures - A player that has focused thier levels on one thing mainly (for example: Mage, Warrior, Ranger)
Hybrid or Mixed - A player that has not focused thier levels on one thing only
A pure Warrior would have a high strength, and attack
A pure Mage would have high magic and low strength, attack, and defence
A pure ranger would have high range and defense, and low strength and attack
Why would a pure be a more efficent killing machine? Lemme give you the lowdown...
One way the pures are better at killing is, if you raise all of your stats... you tend to raise your overall combat level real quick... now this may seem like a good thing... but not entirely... it may look cool... but don't go out in full rune or chances are, you'll loose it to a pure.
Here's a scenario... I go out into the wildy and I'm wielding rune long with stats of 45 attack, 46 defence, 46 strength, 2 ranged, 34 mage, 37 prayer (yes prayer raises your combat level). This will make my total combat level 57. My max hit will be 12.
Now I get attacked by someone the same level as I am, but is a pure warrior. His or her stats are: 63 Attack, 40 defence, 64 strength, 1 ranged, 1 mage, 1 prayer. This will allow him/her to completely own me giving them a max hit at 15 using a rune long and using aggressive stance (and given the right equipment up to 28 max hit)
Fighting monsters is a different story here. Having a hybrid is to your advantage because you will be able to use all of the stats you have.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
5 Million GP and a Santa Hat
So, folks... here it is:
Click here for a chance to win 5 Million GP and a Santa Hat in Runescape
Good Luck!
BTW ~ I entered!
Thanks again Chris!
Runescape Max Hit Calculator
Well, I try to oblige... So here are some links to some damn good Calcs:
This one is from
This one is from Xx Jut xX's Runescape site
This one is "Cavalier's Combat Calculator"
Lemme know if you like them!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
5 Million GP and a Santa Hat!
I went and checked out the site. It looks real good. As a matter of fact... I even joined.
The reason I mention lotteries is because at is offering 5 MILLION GP and a SANTA HAT.
No scam this time. Only one catch... to join and submit what are called RSB Bucks which are made by posting comments on the board. Now how easy is that?
I'd like 5 Million GP and a Santa Hat. Now if I can just post enough to get into the lottery... and not make it sound stupid...
Thanks Chris!
Monday, May 22, 2006
PK Videos
A neat quest:
This one is just plain sick:
Notice he's level 99... and supposedly she had 1M on her (I'd hate to meet her in a dark alley):
"Guthix?" You ask? Hope you don't want an answer (especially around this guy):
Selling Lobbies
* The price guide is split into 4 different sections:
Section 1: Weapons and armor
Section 2: Crafting, Mining, Smithing, and Food/Fishing
Section 3: Magic, Fletching, Woodcutting, Prayer, and Ranged
Section 4: Herblore, Runecrafting, Farming, Clothes/Robes, Treasure Trail Items, and Discontinued/Rare Items
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Full Zombie Revisited
I died.
I lost my Fly Fishing Rod, the 2k feathers I collected for the flyfishing. The FULL ZOMBIE I WAS WEARING!!!
What's the saying again? Easy come, easy go? Not this time...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Full Zombie
2 Shades - This random is triggered by burying bones only. If you can kill it, it gives you either shade robe (top, bottom, or both).
2 Zombies - This random is triggered by burying bones only. If you can kill it, it gives you more bones, anywhere from regular bones and up to Dragon bones, and anywhere from 10 bones on up...
1 Drunked Dwarf - This random is not triggered by anything in particular. Talk to him and he gives you a beer and a kebab
2 Frog Princess - This random is not triggered by anything in particular. Talk to the princess and she will give you a Token to redeem at the Varrock clothes shop for a frog head (mask) or a prince outfit
1 Mysterious Old Man - (Strange Box) This random is not triggered by anything in particular. There are two versions of this old guy. He either gives you a "Strange Box" and says "here you go", or he waits to talk to you and when you do, he gives you some coins or an uncut gem
3 Genie - This random is not triggered by anything in particular. The Genie when talked to gives you a magic lamp. This lamp will give you 10 x the level you have in that category. For example I have a level 63 in mining then I'd get 630 experience in mining. Or if I had a level 35 in in crafting, I'd get 350 experience in crafting
1 Capn' Hand - This random is not triggered by anything in particular. He thinks that you're an old buddy, gives you something for your trouble when you talk to him. Usually gives you coins or a gem
After a while I gave up... I decided to raise my cooking level to get into the cooking guild (by the way... I'm not that impressed with the cooking guild).
I was in the Champions Guild (raising my cooking) all the meanwhile burying bones and collecting feathers (for leveling up in flyfishing). Not five minutes passed and lo and behold... Leo the Gravedigger tells me that he needs my help. Woo-Hoo! Well... now I have the zombie gloves, shirt, pants, and boots!
Now for the mask!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Raising Attack, Strength, and Defence in Runescape
Another weapon that is good and will raise your levels equally would be a scimmitar. There is a setting that will allow you to raise your settings at an equal pace too. I don't know the setting... But I do know the setting exsists.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Sleeping Bag
Runescape Bugs and Glitches
Monday, May 08, 2006
The gems of mining in Runescape
I wasn't sure on how to make an amulet so, I had to figure out this myself... Now I'll pass the info on to you!
Take one gem (or if you're at a crafting of 23 or below, just do gold (you have to be level 24 in order to make a sapphire ammy, level 31 to make a emerald ammy and 50 in order to make a ruby ammy)), one gold ore(must be level 40 in mining, or you can buy a gold bar from someone else), one piece of wool (from sheep), and one amulet mold (this can be found at the craft store in either Rimmington or Al Kahrid, and sometimes the barbarians drop them in the Barbarian Village).
Cut the gem with the chisel, smelt the gold ore and make it a gold bar (unless you bought the gold bar, if not, it's again level 40 smithing to smelt the gold), take the sheeps fleece to a spinning wheel and click on the piece of wool and then the spinning wheel to make a ball of wool. And make sure that you have the amulet mould in your inventory.
So now you should have in your inventory 1 gem (if your level is high enough), 1 bar of gold, 1 ball of wool, and 1 amulet mould.
Go to a furnace and click on the gold, then the furnace. A screen will show up and allow you to click on the amulet you want to make. It'll be a gold circle or a gold circle with a blue, green, or red dot in the middle.
After you make the choice... Your amulet has been made. Now click on the amulet, and then the ball of wool.
This will allow you to make a complete amulet that you can cast Enchant Level 1 on. For Sapphires... you can make Ammy of Magic. If you aren't a member... you cant enchant the emerald ammy into anything. If you are level 50... you can enchant the ruby amulet into an ammy of strength.
I usually store my gems up to 10 at a time, mine the gold, and keep a large stock of balls of wool in the bank and some cosmos runes too. I also have a staff of magic so I don't need to buy water runes. Then I do like 20 (it's usually 10 sapphire, 7 emeralds, and 3 rubies(the rubies I turn into Ruby Rings)) or so at a time, helping me level up my mining, crafting, and magic all at the same time.
A side note: If you decide to sell them at a general store... strung and unstrung amulets sell at the same price... so I wouldn't bother stringing them if you're going to sell them at the general store.
Last but not least... you can sell an ammy of magic for anywhere between 500 Gp and 1k Gp and an unenchanted Sapphire Amulet for anywhere between 100 and 200 Gp (although I think this may be off)
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Mining Guild Update...
Some people have money (or attempt to make money) by pking... I on the other hand am making my money by mining. Easy stuff... Of course I have a clan backing me. All of our members have over 100k and up to 444k... If you're willing to work hard and start by running (the runners make as much money as do the miners) you can make some good money. Pretty soon (within a week or two) a portion of our clan is set up to make about 4 or 5 mil. Food for thought? Leave a comment if you want to join (no one can read the comment unless I approve it to be published and I wont publish it if you don't want your runescape name out in the world wide web (by the way... none of our members will ever ask you for ANY personal information)). I cant guarantee you will make that much just starting out. But you will eventually in our clan...
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Generals of The Dragon' s Pickaxe will suspend all dues until further notice.
Three Item Rule Revisited
One good thing happened to me though. I can now enter the mining guild (with the aid of a dwarven stout). I'm level 59 mining. I went in there and figured everyone would be taking my coal. Totaly opposite. If I went to a coal and I was the first there... everyone else avoided it the rock. Not like in the Dwarfs Mine, or the Barbarian Village, or in the Scorpion Pit. There are like 50 coal rocks there. There are also about 5 Mith rocks too, which are always up for grabs (the first to mine it gets it). Funny though... there are a LOT of higher levels in there. I've seen up to level 107 (if not... very close to that.) I've also seen a lot of level 80's in there. I feel like a noob walking in there with only a level 48 or 49... Maybe I need to start leveling up a little (or how about a lot).
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Champions Guild
All in all, the Champions Guild was anti-climactic. I was expecting something more. There is a fenced in area where you can kill chickens to work on your cooking and prayer and if you need to work on your fletching (the feathers) too. There is an upstairs where you can buy some rune stuff... sorry... no Runite Breast Plate (besides you have to finish the Dragonslayer Quest to be able to wear that). After leveling up my Cooking (Level 22?) I went and bought a Water Staff (something interesting regarding the Water Staff... You don't need that rune for that particular staff, for example, if I need to cast water strike I would only carry air and mind runes and the Water Staff would act like my water runes.) I think I was able to level up to 16 on my magic fighting the guards in Varrock. After that I went into the Edgevill Dungeon and attacked Hill Giants (level 28) for the big bones and Hobgoblins (level 42) for the HP, Strength, Defence, and Attack Exp.
I went outside to bury the bones in the grass... I had two Redberry Pies on me and some more food... While I was burying the bones, I was attacked by a level 70 something zombie. Then I had this jerk that was standing right on top of me... Waiting for me to die... Telling me things like "kill him, don't run away" All the while I'm attacking this thing. Of course with the pies gone and the fish and bananas gone, and only 7 HP left... what else could I do but run.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I lied
The following quests are quests and thier respective points (the ones without the stars are ones I haven't completed and all are freeplay):
*Black Knight's Fortress - 3 Quest Points*
Cook's Assistant - 1 Quest Point
Demon Slayer - 3 Quest Points
Doric's Quest - 1 Quest Point
*Dragon Slayer - 2 Points*
Ernest the Chicken - 4 Quest Points
Goblin Diplomacy - 5 Quest Points
Imp Catcher - 1 Quest Point
Knight's sword - 1 Quest Point
Pirate's Treasure - 2 Quest Points
*Prince Ali's Rescue - 3 Quest Points*
Restless Ghost - 1 Quest Point
Romeo and Juliet - 5 Quest Points
Rune Mysteries - 1 Quest Point
Sheep Shearer - 1 Quest Point
*Shield of Arrav - 1 Quest Point*
Vampire Slayer - 3 Quest Points
Witches Potion - 1 Quest Point
Hey! I can go into the Champions Guild now! Woo hoo! I just realized this. I'll let you know how it is... Now I just gotta find it...
Just a reminder for those looking for some maps of Runescape click here.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Guild Rules
This is the first amendment to the rules:
Membership fee for Private is: 25 Iron a week
Membership fee for Captain is: 50 Coal a week
Membership fee for Major is: 100 coal a week
I understand that we all play Runescape for fun. That was why we started in the first place. We as generals are VERY reasonable people and don't want to alienate anyone or make anyone upset. But understand that the fees are for better equipment for all players. Armor, Pickaxes, etc...
This is the part of helping out one another.
Another thing that I haven't explained is the way the runner/miner/banker situation will work. The miner will receive a third of the profits from mining, the runner will receive a third of the profits from the miners coal (or otherwise), and the banker will only receive a forth of the money since they (the banker) is making money off of all the people mining and running. The rest of the money will go into the clans account for the aforementioned uses. If there are any other questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the screen. The comments are moderated, so, if you'd like your privacy... please let us know if you don't want your comment published.
Thank you,
The Dragon's Pickaxe
Friday, April 21, 2006
Continued from yesterday...
I finally raised my level in mining to 55. Leveling up one or two levels (in one day) is now an exciting thing for me... I remember just starting and how easy it was to level up. Not now...
only 5 more levels to get into the Mining Guild!
I was able to get one more quest so... I'm now a teensy closer to one of my goals. I've got all of the easy quests out of the way... we'll see how it goes with the "harder stuff"... I think (with my stats) I could do all of the quests... I'd just need a little food for my health to finish...
I got a chance to see myself in the hiscore list... I'm in the 600,000 rank (out of a million people)... not too shabby...
I had one friend tell me about her moving over to the members side of the game. She told me about how most of the people there have cats (of course a members benifit)... I found out that after two hours of having a kitten it grows into a cat... after two hours of that... it grows into an overgrown cat that cant do much of anything. With a grown cat, you should be able to turn it in for some death runes. I'm not too sure about the overgrown cat.
enough for now... I think I'm going to go work on my mining...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Runescape's Champion Guild
I'm at level 27 crafting... at 40 I can get in Crafting Guild.
I'm at level 54 in Mining... at 60 I can get in the Mining Guild.
I'm at level 17 in Cooking... at 32 I can get in the Cooking Guild.
I'm at level 17(?) in prayer... at 31 I can get into the Prayer Guild.
I have 9 quest points... at 32 I can get into the Champions Guild.
So... that being said... Yes I am going to start trying to focus on getting myself into the different guilds... The first and foremost I WILL get into will be the Mining Guild.
In the Mining Guild there is a TON of coal and a couple of Mithrill... The thing I don't understand is the fact that I have seen other people in the lovely and fair world of Runescape Mining in the Mining guild where there is PLENTY of coal, come out and start mining in the Dwarves Mine where there only 5 (close to the Mining Guild's entrance)... Okay.... Probably to be jerks.
More later... gotta go now...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Productive weekend in Runescape
I also made 22000 over the weekend in about a span of 6 hours (we are in a position to make some more good money today (Monday) soon too). Just mining, smithing, selling coal, and selling steel.
Dragon's Pickaxe is getting started good. We've recruited about 4 people over the weekend... We should see how well they work out too.
I'm having a problem with people "claiming"... saying "this is my coal"(or whatever i'm mining at the time) Sorry... I'm a business man. If you are at a lower level... continue to mine elsewhere, or ask nicely if you can mine off of just one rock. I see some people trying their best and just keep going. They understand that there are other people out there that are at a higher level than them... They dont complain... Many of those people I have asked (in the Barbarian Village) if they want two of the coal and I'll take the other two... It helps them raise levels (one of them I was able to recruit i think). And I still get my coal without having to look like a jerk.
Some people are just looking to take people. For everything. As much as they can... One guy said that another guy needed to go with him to get "pooned" (not sure what that means?) and the other guy said "why?" The first said that because he got the random event, and that whoever got the random event gets to get pooned by him... of course the second guy is weaker than the second... and the first is weaker than I am... (he was a lvl 33)... so I told him that I got the last random event and was willing to go right now. The guy ignored me for a little... I think he didn't know what to say. Then he told me that his main guy is an 80... People like that, that shoot off thier mouth... probably don't have a level 80... otherwise he'd be USING the level 80. After a minute of trying to badmouth me... he logged out. I dont like the jerks out there. It makes the game more like the ugly nasty world we live in. Runescape is about having fun...
I guess, if I could change one thing IN Runescape... It would be that another random would happen... Or a npc that looked like a real person... when youre a jerk to them *poof* instant death and the stuff in your inventory and bank are dispersed.
I have a feeling that people would be a lot nicer
Friday, April 14, 2006
Runescape Mining Guild: The Dragon's Pickaxe
The following is information on the qualifications, benefits, requirements, roles, and even a little mission statement. If you want to join please feel free to leave your Runescape username in the comments section at the end of this post. If you feel like you want to join just to join... Please don't apply. We are very serious about this and feel that it would help all included to make money doing this. We will also be recruiting on the Runescape site itself.
So... here it goes:
Levels and ranks (for both mining AND smithing):
55- and above...Major
There is a mandatory two week period for each rank (for example if you have just joined and are at a level 60... you will be Runner for two weeks, then a Private for two weeks, then a Captain, then a Major. Proof for this is a screenshot. Your character and your acting commander must be in the shot, along with all stats.
- Armor if you die (the armor given dependent on players stats)
- Weapon if you die (the weapon given dependent on players stats)
- Pickaxes (Probably bronze... but if the banker has the pickaxe for your level... you get that)
- help with anything at all
- help with buying items (Financial assistance (you will have to have gp's or no assistance will be given; also there will be a cap or limit)
- your own runner when you reach captain (and when available)
- two runners when you achieve the rank as major
- designated salary reflecting rank extra benefits to those who produce more
- Protection from other players... (eventually we will have a spy network)
- must be available for most nights during the week... the weekend is yours to use as you see fit
- At least a minimum of 2 consecutive (back to back) weeks as a runner no matter what level you are.
- A 50 iron ore members fee to the guild a week
- A 100 coal members fee to the guild a week as a Captain
- A 250 coal members fee to the guild a week as a Major
- Must be willing and able to assist any and all of the guild members
- All Guild members will be courteous to other players in the game including those whom you are mining/smithing with
- No one will call anyone else a noob (in our guild or otherwise)
- All dues and gems (collected while mining only) ores and bars will be given to person in the banker position
The runner will act as a go between for their designated officer. The runner will travel between the mine and bank for the designated officer. The runner will not don any armor, clothing, or have any items. The runner may wield a dagger of their choice. The runner may pickup gold but that is it. The runner will walk to the bank with the ore/coal (or bar) and run back to the mining site (or furnace) of designated officer. In the case of random event... the runner may choose to do whatever he/she pleases so long as they keep close to their acting commander. If the runner dies with ore or coal, the runner will have that taken out of their profit. The runner will answer only to their respective captain or one of the generals. Runners might be periodically be given either gems or Gp's by their respective officers and may keep them. If you do not receive the proper amount of ores/bars the runner must report this to the banker and the banker will contact the officer.
The Private will mostly be on their own except for the help they require. The private will only answer to their respective commanding officer or one of the generals. The private may request to stay as a runner to the point of becoming a Captain, so long as the demoted private agrees to stay in the runner position for another two weeks.
The Captain will mostly be on their own except for the help they require. They will also be in charge of their own runner. The captain will not abuse the runner or make them do any tasks other than running for mining and mining related items. The Captain will answer to only to their respective commanding officer or one of the generals. All Gps collected by the Captain will be given to the runner to keep. If the Captain does not give the coin(s) to the runner, the runner will report this to the Banker.
The Major will mostly be on their own except for the help they require. They will also be in charge of their own runner. The captain will not abuse the runner or make them do any tasks other than running for mining and mining related items. The Major will answer to their respective commanding officer (in this case any of the generals). All Gps collected by the Major will be given to the runner to keep. If the Major does not give the coin(s) to the runner, the runner will report this to the Banker.
The banker will be the person who stores the mining items; i.e. gems, Tin, Copper, Iron, Coal, Mithrel, Adamant, Rune, Gold, and Silver; as well as pickaxes of various sorts. The banker will keep account of who's runner deposits what and announces to the Captain/major/general how much material and what material is being deposited. The banker will be responsible for selling mined items only at the generals price. The Banker will only answer to one of their generals. The banker will keep track of the amount of ores/bars deposited and make sure the runner is giving the proper amount. The banker will give a report at the end of the week to the generals.
The mission of the Dragon's Pickaxe is to benefit and enhance the Runescape community by providing metal needs for the members and non-members of Runescape at a fair price as stated by the Runescape community while acting as a productive "member of society" in the Runescape world. The target of the Dragon's Pickaxe is to corner the market in coal.
Accurate stats for Runescape
Thursday, April 13, 2006
"Trimming kites" or "Trimming armour"
No one can trim your armour... NO ONE! I had a friend (now a member) get scammed that way. (thats how I met him... he was having a terrible day. First he got scammed with the trimming armour, then he got hacked, and then he completely lost the head to his addy pickaxe...)
Of course there is the "autominer" which also installs a keylogger (for those who dont know what a keylogger is... its a program that records your keystrokes and sends the information to someones email. Thus the person on the recieving end of the email has your username and password in the lovely world of runescape.
There is the "Item duplicate" scam which people tell you that runescape has a bug that you can exploit: dropping an item and then pressing the "f4" key on your keyboard... THIS WILL NOT WORK... what happens is you close your internet browser (internet explorer or firefox... or whatever you use) the person that told you this will pickup whatever you dropped since you have logged out
Then there is the "I'll raise your levels for you" trick... People will tell you that they will log onto your account to raise your levels for you. Big giant SCAM! Im sure that one in a billion would really be helping you... but otherwise dont trust it. I've heard of some guys "girlfriend" getting his username and password to level him up... took everything...
The ole "switcheroo" where someone trades you something and changes it last second or changes the price without you thinking... for example you want something for 1000 gp and they say ok... at the last minute they change the gp to 100 gp... looks almost the same... but not quite... make sure that you check before you accept the second time.
"I'll make you a member/moderator"... they ask for your username and password first... don't do it! Again... this is a scam!
Here is another one that I have seen... it looks realistic too:
Thx for hellping me out again. imean it. you saved my but. i just wanted to repayh the favor and help you otu too. my frined gave me a bot that wll level up your stats like attack and defence and mining and even jgive you upgrades on wepons. this my friend from runescape so please dont tell too many people. I dont want him to get into trouble for this. he sais he wont get in trouble but i dont want to anyway. i even got some partyhats in my bank :-). he gave me something and it has to be done exactly like it is below all of the stars:
the email address is the subject has to be: runescapebot
if the subject line isnt runescapebot the jagex server will delete the email
dont put the stars in the email. make sure everying is in there exactly thte same. it wll not work if its not rite. If you dont want to change it leave it blank. otherwide it wll replace the stuff you have there. it wont change the runescape acount ether. just put the user and pass and the stuff you want. in yoru 28 slot you have 500 thousand gold peces already, so if you dont mind the last item in your inventory being deleted ad replaced with 500 k gp... then dont delete it. it shouldbe changed in a day or two. lemme nkow if if workd and ill help if it didnt.
Item_28: Gp 500k
Notice the real looking website too... Don't fall for these tricks as they will allow other people to hack into your stuff!
I saw a gir TODAY! who got her stuff all taken. It sounded like her brother had done it, because he said that she couldnt change her password from home... hmmm... that don't sound right. She logged off and changed her username and password...
People can be such jerks...
If you see anymore scams that I missed... feel free to send a message my way!
Stats so far in runescape
32 attack
31 defense
31 strength
31 hitpoints
49 mining
39 smithing
4 ranged
7 magic
21 fishing
17 woodcutting
17 firemaking
25 cooking
21 crafting
17 prayer
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I am the easter bunny!
I went south of falador. I saw a BUNCH of people standing around talking to little kids. I also saw a bunch of people turning into eggs. I kept asking what I needed to do in order to get the ring ( i found out that people 'morph' into easter eggs using a ring). I found out that you first have to give a kid (any kid) 10 eggs you dig up using a spade. You will see bunnys jumping around with an egg, dig a hole, bury the egg, and stand on the mound. You go over to the mound and dig. You get an egg. dig up 11 of these bad boys. Keep 1 egg (the blue with the yellow rabbit shape on it) to your self. give 10 to a kid. after you give out the 10, go over a hole in the ground that one of the rabbits have burried and eat the one you kept (the blue with the yellow rabbit shape). You will start to transform into a bunny and go down the hole. Once in the hole, go to where you see a crowd of yellow dots on your map screen. North of there you will see a chute that dispenses eggs for the mass rabbits. Go up the chute. Talk to the easter bunny and he will tell you to give the kids 10 easter eggs. You have already done that. So, continue talking to the easter bunny and he will give you a ring. You will be able to transform when you "jump into the light" or leave the underground burrough. Congratulations! You are now able to turn into an easter egg in runescape! By the way, you can only stay an easter egg for a very short time while you are in that area.
Happy hunting!
Also, if you have to buy a spade to dig up the eggs... try to buy one in one of the shops. you can buy one for 1gp. if you go to the area where this is all taking place, you will pay up to 1k gp or more.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Three item rule
Also, when you go into the wilderness DONT TAKE ANYTHING. If you do, take only three things... take off all of your armour and put it in your inventory. then click on the three things you want to keep on you. ( or 1 or 2 items (unless you dont mind losing them)). if you see anyting on the ground... DONT PICK IT UP! if you do, you have a chance of dying and loosing the stuff you wanted to keep. I picked up some rune arrows and died and lost a steel breastplate.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wanna be my gf?
b axe........................................Battle Axe
2h (metal).............................. two handed sword in that material
rotfl..........................................Rolling on the floor laughing
noob.........................................Newbie, new person
Addy; addie............................Adamantite
pk.............................................Player Killed
lobbie; lobby...........................Lobster
ess............................................Rune Essence
b sale.......................................Bank sale
ty..............................................Thank you
tyvm........................................Thank you very much
np..............................................No problem
I cant remember them all... If you can think of any please let me know and I'll add them.