Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Runescape Bugs and Glitches

I hate to say it... but youre not going to find one. You're not going to find a bug or a glitch in Runescape. Or if you do... It may work just one day... and YOU are the one that has to find it. It will work, so long as you don't tell a single soul... it might not be removed. And chances are, if you find it on the internet, it's already been fixed by jagex. If you look at some of the old programs that worked... some of it's history, you'll see that the good people at Jagex have fixed a glitch or autobot (macro) almost as soon as it is used widespread. The "item duplicator" was when a guy figured out that he could trade something and select how many he wanted to trade. He realised he didn't want to trade that item so he added zero instead of any other number. It went and traded anyway. He turned around and started selling party hats like crazy making billions in a matter of a day. I dont know if there has been any autoclickers banned. I wouldn't put it past Jagex finding something that will fix that too. So... If youre looking for a glitch... find it on Runescape. I'm sure that if you play enough... you'll find one. I'm also sure that there are people too who want to be mods (moderators) that report glitches.

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